Interested in using or volunteering with food access resources and programs at Queen’s? You’ve got it!
We’ve compiled a list that highlights some of the many resources available on campus. Whether you’re looking to access healthy and affordable meals, or donate to those in need, we’ve got you covered!
Fresh Food Boxes & Mason Jar Meals
One of the many wellness services offered to students by Queen’s University is the distribution of Fresh Food Boxes and Mason Jar Meals. The distribution of either Fresh Food Boxes or Mason Jar Meals happens biweekly and takes place at the health promotion hub in Mitchell Hall. Fresh Food Boxes contain enough ingredients for approximately 4 servings of a healthy meal and cost $5.00 per student. Mason Jar Meals mainly contain ingredients for quick and healthy soups and are free. To account for the dietary preferences of many students, all the recipes chosen for these events are either vegetarian or vegan.
Registration for these events typically opens one week before distribution. Upon registration, students will be sent a pick-up time, and a recipe.
To register use the link below!
Queen’s Healthy Cooking Sessions
Peer Health Educators from Student Wellness services offer bi-weekly cooking sessions where students can learn how to prepare healthy and budget-friendly meals while connecting with other students for only $10. Sessions typically last 60 minutes and occur around every 3 weeks.
To register for a session, check out the link below!
AMS Foodbank
The AMS Foodbank is located on campus and provides confidential and non-judgmental food service to members of the Queen’s community. To learn more about how to donate the foodbank or access its services, check out their website using the link below!
The PEACH Market is a student-run food market located in the New Medical Building. Their mission is to “nourish the Queen's community by combatting food insecurity, supporting food recovery, and by providing students, staff, and faculty with access to healthy food”.
It utilizes a ‘pay what you can’ operating model in which customers can voluntarily pay whatever they are able, with a suggested tier pricing of $1, $3, and $5. The hours of the PEACH market are Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 11:00 am – 2:00 pm, where they serve a selection of take-away dishes including soups and entrees. For more information, check out the link below!
Good Times Diner is a program provided to individuals experiencing food insecurity within the Queen’s and Kinston communities. This local student-run service prepares freshly made meals every Wednesday and Sunday evening between 5:30 pm - 6:00 pm.
Meal Pickup is at Chalmers United Church, Earl Street entrance, where both masks and Queen’s email are required. Good Times Diner accommodates many dietary needs, providing vegan, gluten-free, Halal, and nut-free options.
Both walk-up meals and meal pick-up options are available on a first-come basis. To reserve meals, please refer to the link below where weekly menus are provided.
Swipe it Forward Queen’s is an initiative created to help address food insecurity on campus and provide short-term, immediate support to students in need.
Meal plan holders choosing to go home for the weekend or eat off campus who don’t use their full weekly allotment of meals can choose to donate their extra meals to a student in need through a confidential system.
To learn more about donating or accessing meals, check out the link below.
The Campus Market Program is an online service where students or their loved ones can order care packages, groceries, and flex $.
Run by Queen’s Hospitality Services, groceries can be delivered within a 4 km radius from campus for $2. Free pickup is also available at Ban Righ Dining Hall, Jean Royce Dining Hall, or The Lazy Scholar.
Visit the link below to place an order!
Additional Kingston food resources outside of the Queen’s Community can be found here: