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Food access: Affordable Eats and Campus Solutions

If there's one thing that unites us all as people, it's the need and love for nourishing, delicious food. Unfortunately, food access doesn't always come easy, and for many students a university environment can not only make it more difficult to source food, but prepare it. That's why Queen's University and the Kingston community have banded together to tackle this issue head on – and we're here to fill you in on all the ways you can benefit starting NOW!

Retrieved from Queens U Image Bank


  • Swipe It Forward  SIF allows students on the residence meal plan to donate one meal per day, up to five per semester, to a student in need by simply asking a cashier to Swipe It Forward.

    To access the program, contact one of the SIF program partners for a referral. Within 1-3 business days, SIF meals will be loaded onto your student card for confidential use at dining hall on campus! It's that easy.

  • PEACH Market  Standing for Providing Equal Access, Changing Hunger (PEACH), PEACH offers access to high-quality and nutritious food from across Hospitality Services’ locations that is packaged and sold at a low cost using a 'pay what you can' operating model.

    To shop the market, visit the Medical Building on Arch Street during open hours: Monday, Wednesday, and Friday between 11 a.m. -2 p.m.

  • AMS Food Bank & Other Food Donations  As part of its commitment to tackling food insecurity, Queens has partnered with over 10 local organizations to pick up and deliver untouched food from dining halls and retail locations daily, aiding food supply to several local agencies for distribution to those in need.

    One of these partners, the AMS Food Bank, has established the Good Food Box program to offer FREE donated food boxes from United Way Kingston every third Thursday of the month.

    **As this program is funded through donations only, the Good Food Box program is limited to a quantity of 20 for each ordering period. Join their mailing list to stay updated with the service and when order forms go live!

  • Just In Time  This new offering allows students, staff, and faculty to purchase baked goods and grab-and-go items at a reduced price before expiry while helping to divert campus food waste. Look for products with the Just in Time 50% off sticker in The Lazy Scholar, Location 21, Goodes Café, Wally’s, MC2, Jean Royce Barista, The Library Café, and Student Street Express.

No matter where you find yourself situated during your studies, we have options for you. Explore our interactive Food Map below to learn more about the Food Access resources Queen's University and the Kingston Community offer both on and off-campus.

Find more details & reach out to us on our Instagram!

Finally, be sure to visit the Student Affairs' website and scroll down to "Food Access Resources" for regularly-updated information on when, where and how you can access free or inexpensive food resources in the Kingston Community – including Exclusive Student Discounts, Campus Events and Workshops!



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